June 5th - June 6th, 2019
Telč, Czech Republic
Petr Zlámal |
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, CAS |
| Petr Zlamal has received his PhD degree at the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2014 with thesis Microstructural Models for Materials with Porous Structure where combined numerical (FEM) and experimental approaches (mechanical testing, microCT scanning etc.). He currently serves as the head of Laboratory of Biomechanics at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He has been member of several research groups solving scientific and engineering problems focus on description of mechanical properties of materials with complex inner structure (biological, artificial). His professional interests include indirect numerical simulations, software and device development, processing of CT-data and visualization, performing of experimental tests and its instrumentation. He is also member of Czech Society for Mechanics and Czech National IMEKO Committee (TC15 - Experimental mechanics). |
4D μCT in experimental biomechanics |
Petr Zlámal, Tomáš Fíla, Petr Koudelka, Jan Šleichrt, Daniel Kytýř, Václav Rada
Combination of the computed tomography and loading test is suitable tool for investigation of the mechanical behaviour of the samples with complex inner structure, e.q. bones, artificial bone scaffolds, foams etc. For this purpose is necessary to have three key parts: i. tomographic setup, ii. loading device and iii. tool for the assessment and evaluation of the changes of the tested structure. Team of the Department of the Biomechanics at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is highly experienced in developing of the loading devices, instrumentation, control software, testing procedures and tools for their evaluation. In the presentation a several types (and generation) of the in-house designed loading devices and testing setups will be introduced as well as the complete testing process (with the biological and artificial materials) from the sample preparation to the evaluation of strain fields in the volume of the sample. The knowledge about the deformation behaviour of the real structure in 3D can be successfully used for the verification of the numerical models which is fundamental state for more advanced FE analyses. |